Kim and Jeremy in Thailand

August 15, 2005

Are you fully supported yet?

Not exactly. As of the start of the school year, we have a little over 70% of the amount that Wycliffe felt we needed to raise to live here in Thailand. God has been providing for us, and we have been eating (quite a lot, actually) and we have a home. Things are pretty tight, though. In some ways, that makes it more exciting, because we know God will have to do something amazing to cover any unexpected expenses! If you feel led to be a part of that something amazing, we would be blessed! Please follow the instructions to send your tax-deductible gift to Wycliffe Associates.

May 27, 2005

I would like to give to your ministry-what do I need to do?

First of all, thank you for your desire to support us! If God is leading you to be part of our ministry financially, here's what you can do.

1) Make your check payable to Wycliffe Associates
2) Write "8191" on the memo line of your check
3) Include our names (Jeremy and Kim Weatherford) either on the memo line or in a small note
4) Mail your check to:

Wycliffe Associates
PO Box 2000
Orange, CA 92859

If you prefer, you can pay by credit card by calling 1-800-888-9950 and designating your gift to fund code 8191. Either way, your gift is tax-deductible. No gift is too small, especially with the low cost of living in Thailand. A gift of $25 is enough for one of us to eat for an entire week, and we'll even let you pick which one of us! Thank you for your support!

Plane tickets to/from Chiang Mai...$300 (Yes, you read that right. God is amazing!!)
Renting a house for one month...$250
Luggage fees to Chiang Mai...$200
Food for two people for a month...$200
Living supplies for a month (clothes, cleaning supplies, toiletries)...$150-$200
Car insurance for one year...$130
Electricity for one month...$30
Electricity for one month using the A/C when it's 100° out...$110
Health insurance for one month...$75
Water for a month...$20
Monthly security fee...$9
Monthly garbage fee...$3
One hour of internet time...25¢

Allowing missionaries to stay on the field in Southeast Asia...priceless

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